Archive for News

Calmed down yet?

Well trying to not take anything too personally as pretty sure that people onshore have no idea who I really am or what I do as such.. not to mention the fact that we (reps on here) do the most work and yet get paid the least!! Oh dear, seems they are relying on our vast experience and paying us less than if we were doing the actual job!

Anyway sat waiting about most of the night/morning, finally started to move in and get setup only to find that blow me down an alarm starts going off lol.. and we have to stop again.. Oh the joy!

So maybe tonight?.. hey who knows? On the bright side as I couldn’t sleep (got up at 4pm) I should sleep like a log tomorrow 🙂

Oh and seems my Boss is now leaving due to all the crapola in the office.. hmm.. Great sign eh?

Year older but certainly NOT wiser!

Ahh right so.. as I’m working nights I managed to get a whole DAY and NIGHT of crap.. Started with lots of calls about something I *should* have done (seems that I’m now the captain and also able to travel backwards and forwards at will in time!.. Shhh don’t tell anyone they might find out, never mind I can just erase their mind/genetic timeline 😉 ).

Anyway as is normally the way my Birthday turned to rat poo and stayed that way..

..On the bright side I got offered two jobs (hint never offer a man on the edge another job as he is likely to go).

I did however come 2nd in a photo comp with nPower with this little beast –

2nd place not bad

Hmm got woken up Nice.. :(

Well after a bit of hassle it seems that even more is destined to come my way.. Alas I guess it is to some extent my own fault.. Thinking that everyone else is trying to do a job and not be disruptive.. Oh well surely it can’t get any worse..?..


Welcome back.. :(

And so.. It starts.. playing silly buggers about permits and all that I find myself spending the night trying to sort stuff out, feel like crap in the morning.. And come evening still not much happening.. Starting to think this is not really worth my time. I’m certainly not being paid enough for the amount of grief I’m getting from both parties and have to honestly say I’m not sure why I’m putting up with it.. Ho hum..

Guess I should relax and just enjoy it but.. bit hard to do these days 🙁

Up early for a long late day

So up at 4am.. Shove the stuff in the Van and then leave Angel for another 4 weeks in a high security prison offshore, make no bones this is the only way I survive this now. Not looking forward to this and just want it *over with*.. be happy in a year or so’s time when I have gotten enough money together to buy our new house and I can go back to *normal* working once every couple of months or so.

Anyway rushed in to hand over a Tablet and then got on-board to find out on nights and could have taken my time getting here anyway as not leaving until 11pm 🙁 ARGHH!!

Worse still had to walk bloody miles with all my gear and then shove my van about 2 miles from the vessel and offices again.. If it gets broken into then I will just hand the gear over and not come back I swear this is SO CRAP.

Well back here now and on nights so going to really be buggered tomorrow and tonight trying to get into the swing of things again.